A private monthly magazine that goes to the high valued homes in Oswego. It is truly a unique magazine as it is "social media in print" and it is written by the readers for the readers.
The Board of Directors meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 3:30-5pm in the Community Room at Village Hall, 200 N. River St. Montgomery, IL 60538. All members are welcome to attend.
The Chamber office is located at Montgomery Village Hall, 200 N. River Street, Montgomery, IL 60538. Call 630-897-8137 or email cindy@chamberofmontgomeryil.org for questions or if you would like to make an appointment.
Greater Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce is growing, and we are always looking for more great Members like you! If you would like to learn more about being a part of this growing chamber, pleaseā¦ Read more: New Members are always welcome!